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The Tattoo Art

The Tattoo Art The Tattoo Art

The Tattoo Art The Tattoo Art

The Tattoo Art The Tattoo Art

Combined with the abstract art of the tattoo artist, tribal fairy tattoos offer a refuge in the realm of the fantasy world, full of bright hues, sprinkles of magic dust, and flights of fantasy. Fairy tattoos, as the legend and the folklore surrounding these mystical beings, become the wearer's escape to this reality. Tribal fairy tattoos are often a chosen design by most women because fairies themselves are more often characterized as angelic female beings.

Fairies are known as magical beings, able to cast spells, and enchant anyone it sets sight on. One of the common tattoos found in a woman's body is the tribal fairy tattoo. And with today's society and fashion trends, the tattoo arts has not just become available to women, it has also been more of a statement as other accessories would. However, it has been found out in studies that females generally have the higher pain threshold than men.

Some say that males are more into the tattoos because having one is just really painful. Tattoo sleeves, tribal tattoos, ankle tattoos, and even the animal symbols have been unjustly attributed to be male-dominant. The tattoo art has been stereotyped as a man's world.