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Foot Tattoo Designs For Women

Foot Tattoo Designs For WomenFoot tattoo designs are always a great choice. They are very sexy and a great alternative to the over done very 90's lower back tattoo. So if you are thinking about getting a tattoo and want something that is sexy yet not overdone then you will want to consider a foot tattoo design. There are a ton of great design options that fit very well for women also. However, you will want to know the important details about getting a foot tattoo before you jump into this. You will need to know what to expect in the pain department, how to come up with some possible designs and how to find an artist to do the work for you.

Pain Of A Foot Tattoo
In terms of tattoo and tattoo pain it is a very subjective matter and one that is open to different interpretation. See everyone has a different tolerance for pain and therefore each person's experience of pain is different. So how much a certain tattoo will hurt for you is different hen another person. Generally speaking though any place that has a lot of fat or muscle between the skin and the bone Is going to be less painful then a place where the skin and bone are close to each other. So with that logic a foot tattoo is going to be more painful then some of the other tattoo locations out there. However, they are so great looking it is worth the pain. If you are worried about the pain level and not sure if you can handle it then you might want to get a small tattoo design first and get used to the experience.

Foot Tattoo Designs For WomenPossible Foot Tattoo Designs For Women
There are a bunch of designs that look great as a foot tattoo. You want to stick with something on the smaller side and not super intricate. Since the foot is a pretty small canvas you do not want a large or overly intricate design as it will just become an ink spot over time if you do that. Probably the three most popular foot designs are the following